7 Blogging Mistakes Lawyers Must Avoid

If you ask digital marketing experts what they regard as the essential elements of a campaign that would work for a local law firm, the vast majority will state “having a blog”. Blogs have been around for some time and there are millions of them online, however, even the merest of research will tell you that many of the people who own or manage those blogs are making fundamental mistakes.

For lawyers who want their website to rank well and who wish to use a blog as a means of achieving that, it would undoubtedly be frustrating to have done all the necessary work to build and establish a blog, only to find that the results achieved in terms of rankings were negligible. For that reason, we thought it would help by highlighting the seven biggest mistakes lawyers make regarding blogs so that you avoid the same errors.

Writing For Yourself, Not Your Audience

One of the biggest mistakes lawyers make when writing blog posts is they do so to satisfy themselves rather than thinking about those who will be reading them. There is little point in writing something that only you will relate to, enjoy, and find an interest in, if no one who visits your blog will.

Not Identifying Your Target Audience

Worse than not writing for your audience’s benefit, is not having an audience at all. Before you start a blog you must identify your target audience in terms of locality, demographics, and, crucially, what their needs are. Thereafter, everything you publish on your blog should have all of these audience traits in mind.

Creating Overly Formal Content

Whilst writing essays and assessments brimming with legalese may have satisfied your law professor, it will do little to retain your blog audience’s attention, most of whom will not have studied law. As such, seek to simplify legal jargon and set it at a level that can be understood by anyone who reads it.

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